I took this photo during my recent business trip to Seal Rocks, NSW.
The benefit of traveling for business is that you get to see new incredible places and learn it’s rich history.
Tiny, sleepy holiday village famed for its excellent surf, beautiful lighthouse and incredible ocean views. The beach was incredible despite a seriously gloomy day. I stood patiently hoping to catch a glimpse of seals, and only after the trip I’ve found out that the colony is sadly long gone.
But I saw dolphins! There is no other sight as beautiful as seeing dolphins jumping with joy in the ocean. It immediately made me warm and happy.
Did you know that prior to the arrival of Europeans to the area, this place was inhabited by the Worimi Aboriginal people?
Wubaray (black dolphin) was a totemic animal for Worimi people. They admired wubaray for its sea country navigation and hunting abilities, and also for the way it taught and nurtured its young. Black dolphin’s high levels of intelligence enabled it to have great knowledge of fish movement and had the ability to adapt and efficiently hunt in changing sea country environments.

Wubaray: Black Dolphin. Artist — Melissa Lilley
Worimi People have always had a close connection and association with black dolphin, and have been known to ‘hit’ the water with their hands, stomp their feet or push their spears into the sand to call in the dolphins. Dolphins would respond by herding schools of fish into the shallow waters and then drive them onto the dry sand.

Worimi People would then collect the stranded fishfrom the shoreline for their personal use, while the dolphins would teach their young to hunt and to eat the rest of the catch.
Dolphin can lead us to an understanding of how to live in harmony with twin needs of individuality and cooperation.
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