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Skin & Beauty
Healthy skin has always been core interests of mine. To be honest, from my teens to my early forties, I suffered from bad skin, so you can imagine how that made me feel. In fact I had quite low self-esteem, particularly when younger, made worse by my parents being against me using make-up. So, I avoided parties and events, which is all I wanted to attend. I hated my photos and one day I even destroyed many of them.
In my twenties I tried to resolve the issue by going to beauticians. I spent thousands of dollars over many years on their services, and their creams and cleansers, but no one and no product was able to resolve my skin issues, until I was introduced to Nu Skin and their AgeLOC Lumispa.
This amazing little device completely transformed my skin and boosted my confidence. I no longer need to wear makeup and I am absolutely comfortable in my skin. I never imagined getting compliments about my skin condition at the age of 47. I now call my AgeLOC Lumispa my “compliment generator” and I love it.
It was through my first hand experience with LumiSpa, and the other amazing Nu Skin products, coupled with my long-held interest in anti-aging science and technology, that I decided to become a Nu Skin partner and BeautiTech Expert. Now I am thrilled to help other people resolve their own skin and beauty concerns and to discover their own AgelessYou.
Book a Skin and Beauty Consultation
My AgelessYou Skin and Beauty business is a consultation led practice, not an “off the shelf” retail seller. We all have widely differing body types, skin and hair conditions, and health concerns, therefore close consultation is essential to identify the most appropriate treatments and regimes that address the underlying conditions, not just superficially covering over the consequences.
So book a consultation appointment today so I can work with you, one on one, to create your own AgelessYou.
Beauty Devices
Like most people I’ve lost countless hours over the years commuting to, from, and at my beauty treatments, not to mention spending hundreds of dollars at each visit. Now I achieve the same benefits within minutes, at a time that suits me, within the comfort of my own bathroom, and for a fraction of what I've previously spent with beauticians. That's why these at home beauty devices are taking the world by storm.
Skin Care - Face and Body
Infuse your skin with the elements of youth. This collection represents the modern essentials of anti-ageing skin care. Together these products cleanse, purify, renew, and moisturise your face and body to reveal a more youthful, healthier looking you now and in the future, all without the risks and long term dangers of injectables and cosmetic procedures. In this collection you will find market leading Exfoliators, Cleansers, Moisturisers, Serums, Sun Protection, Toners, Treatments, and Masks.
Skin and Beauty News and Reviews

Умная красота: ageLOC LumiSpa iO — ваш личный ассистент по уходу за кожей
Гаджеты красоты давно стали неотъемлемой частью нашего ухода за собой. Сегодня сами косметологи советуют пациентам приобрести «умные» устройства для ухода за лицом, волосами и телом. В первую очередь, это помогает повысить эффективность профессиональных процедур и поддержать эффект от них после похода к специалисту. Когда 5 лет назад, в 2017 году, инновационная американская компания Nu Skin, лидер в анти-возрастных технологиях представила уникальный гаджет ageLOC LumiSpa для поддержания красоты и молодости кожи...

БЬЮТИ-НАХОДКА ДНЯ: Антивозрастная-система AgeLOC Boost
В начале 2021 года Nu Skin выпустила свой новый антивозрастной бьюти-гаджет — AgeLOC Boost, который моментально завоевал сердца пользователей по всему миру.

Baby Shower and New Arrival Gift Guide
It can be tricky to find the perfect gift for a baby shower or new arrival. Do you go with something cute or useful? Probably useful, but what’s the “most useful”? Check our guide to the top sustainable baby gifts.

Система AgeLOC LumiSpa - Необходимый элемент твоего ежедневного ухода за кожей
Вот уже 4 года, как на рынок вышел инновационный прибор для очищения кожи, AgeLOC LumiSpa, но интерес к нему по всему миру не утихает.

Up & Glow Collagen Chia Pudding
Beauty comes from within. This is how we enjoy our daily dose of Beauty Focus Collagen+

Коллаген и зачем он нужен
Всё что вам нужно знать про коллаген. Что такое коллаген, почему мы его теряем и как его восполнить. Стоит ли принимать его. Как правильно выбрать коллаген.

Инновационная система ageLOC LumiSpa для чистой, здоровой и сияющей кожи от Nu Skin
Вот эта чудо-машинка избавила меня раз и навсегда от походов к косметологам. С подросткового возраста у меня была проблемная кожа. Потом пошли институтские годы. Не помню ни одной фотографии с хорошей кожей.
About Nu Skin
Founded in 1984, Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:NUS), is a direct selling company that distributes more than 200 premium-quality anti-aging products in both the personal care and nutritional supplements categories. Nu Skin operates throughout Asia, the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Pacific.
In May 2021, Nu Skin added to its long history of awards and recognition by securing three notable awards for its product innovation and clean skincare line, including recognition from the Edison Awards for ageLOC Boost, NewBeauty magazine for ageLOC LumiSpa, and the Pure Beauty Global Awards for Nutricentials Bioadaptive Skin Care’s To Be Clear Pure Cleansing Gel.
Since 2002, Nu Skin distributors and employees have donated more than 700 million meals through its Nourish the Children® initiative to hungry and malnourished children around the world. Additionally, in 2019, the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation and its charity partners donated $10.3 million to improve the lives of children throughout the world.