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Culture and Cuisine News and Reviews

In the end, we’ll all become stories
I took this photo during my recent business trip to Seal Rocks, NSW. The benefit of traveling for business is that you get to see new incredible places and learn it’s rich history. Tiny, sleepy holiday village famed for its excellent surf, beautiful lighthouse and incredible ocean views. The beach was incredible despite a seriously gloomy day. I stood patiently hoping to catch a glimpse...

Celebrating Spring and Cultural Diversity
Today is The March Equinox — the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere and the first day of autumn in the southern hemisphere. Even though I live in Australia, I love celebrating SPRING in March. The equinox happens at the same moment worldwide, although our clock times reflect a different time zone. Thus, this beautiful occasion unites people all over the world. Celebration...

Lemon Verbena and my Tango for Two chocolate
I remember walking past plants at the farmers market 3 years ago, when for the first time I experienced the magical fragrance of Lemon Verbena. It transported my senses to an entirely different world!

Как наша соотечественница популяризирует азербайджанскую культуру в Австралии. Интервью с Хураман Армстронг
Кусочек Азербайджана в Австралии, с его традиционным незабываемым гостепрееимством, богатой культурой, обычаями и традициями.

Dark Sumac truffles
It's quite difficult to imagine our Azerbaijani cuisine without sumac, the dark red spice, which is frequently used in everything from dry rubs, marinades, and dressing.
The familiar smell of home - fresh saffron, cardamom, and nuts.
And of course no table is complete without our traditional Azerbaijani sweets - Shekerbura.

Celebrating Harmony Day and the Spring Novruz Festival
“ It is not our differences that divide us. It’s our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences”.

Meeting MOF chocolatier Stéphane Leroux
I was fortunate to meet MOF (Meilleur Ouvrier de France Pâtissier) chocolatier Stéphane Leroux during his visit to Australia at Fine Food Expo

Why we call our Siberian Burst truffles "Vitamin Bombs".
It’s because these truffles are bursting with multivitamins to help boost your immune system. Central to this goodness is our use of the Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Ramnoides) from Siberia.

EGG-Celent: A Natural Way To Dye Eggs
Nowruz (The Vernal Equinox), Easter and Passover — all three spring holidays share a very common theme. Nowruz aligns with the astronomical beginning of spring. Easter and Passover also are spring holidays which also occur around the equinox. All three holidays emphasize the custom of cleaning your home, thus the term "spring cleaning." These holidays are all a symbol for renewal, life, and health. The holiday spent with family, with people dear to our heart....

Абрикосовое варенье “Королевское”
В Австралии начался сезон абрикосов. Пора побаловать себя и родных и приготовить абрикосовое варенье. Делюсь секретами приготовления вкуснейшего варенья, который сохраняет душистый аромат и цвет свежих абрикосов.

Mango Fool
Last minute dessert when you really want to impress. This recipe is ultrasimple. It takes only 15 minutes to make. It’s just a must eat whilst mangoes are in season.

Вкуснейший пирог с мясом
Дрожжевые пироги — классика кулинарного жанра. Сегодня у меня пирог с мясом. Он универсален, потому что подойдет к первым блюдам, а также к чаю. Такой пирог станет украшением любого праздничного стола.
If you’ve never baked a Christmas cake before, why not make this the year you start a new family tradition? Rich, fruity, zesty and boozy… nothing feels quite so festive as baking – and eating! – a classic Christmas cake.

Аюрведический чай от простуды FluAway
Этот чай вам поможет предотвратить заболевание, а если вы уже простужены, он вам поможет быстрее избавиться от простуды.

Up & Glow Collagen Chia Pudding
Beauty comes from within. This is how we enjoy our daily dose of Beauty Focus Collagen+

My Turbo-Charged Breakfast
This is what I am refuelling on after my morning exercises. It keeps me full until the next day (when I am on 24 hr intermittent fast). But this post is not about my fast, but rather my breakfast :).

Summer Trifle
Are you looking for an easy to make Christmas dessert to impress your guests? No stress and no fuss, this dessert can be whipped up with minimal effort.